About Us
Why spend tens of thousands of dollars on a new car when you could simply replace its engine for a fraction of the price? Dr. Motorworx is the locally trusted engine replacement shop in Hampton, VA, and has been for more than 20 years. With our expert services on your side, you can keep your car, get back on the road, and save money too. We install remanufactured and used engines for both foreign and domestic brands of cars and light trucks. In addition to these services, our team distributes quality engines to shops through professional retail programs.
Our goal at Dr. Motorworkx is to help car owners put new life back into their old vehicles, taking care to provide good overall value regarding quality, service, and price. To accomplish this, we hire technicians who are certified in Automotive Service Excellence. They perform specialized and highly technical repairs, engine replacements, and maintenance services using state-of-the-art computer diagnostic equipment. We guarantee professional-level installation of a factory-tested, remanufactured engine that’s sure to add years of life to your vehicle. Stop by our shop to see what we can do.